Community Amenities


The treehouse - an Inn at serenbe rental property

The Treehouse is offered for rent exclusively through the Inn at Serenbe. As a part of the Inn’s rental program, you receive the same amenities that guests of the Inn receive during their stay:


Access to the Inn Pool

Free Breakfast at The Farmhouse

Feeding the Animals @ the Farm

Nightly Bonfire (by request / reservation)

Bike and Golf Cart Rentals

Spa Services

Serenbe Yoga (there’s even goat yoga!)

Serenbe Farms

Trail Rides


The Property

The Treehouse is located in the “Selborne Hamlet” of the community, just steps from dining, shopping, and miles of trails.


The Hill Restaurant - 200 ft

Blue Eyed Daisy Restaurant - 0.1 Miles

Sunday Farmers Market - 200 ft

Selborne Lane Gift Shops - 400 ft.

The Wine Shop - 500 ft.

Playground / Dog Park - 300 ft.